Blog posts
Covid By Density.jl
First look at my LiveIDE project
Introducing the LiveIDE project I'm building
Digging into the dissappearance of nature's land-dwelling vertebrates
I wrote this a couple years ago, and I'm finally posting it now! D:
Writing a simple SQL interpreter in Julia
I'm finally setting up my blog! I have a few different posts I've put together over the years and I'll try to get them all up here now. :) But first, instead, here's one I wrote this week!
Interactive posts!
Since most of my blog posts come originally from Jupyter Notebooks, you can run all the code, and play with them yourself!
They’re all available for download in the notebooks directory, and you can run an interactive notebook through MyBinder, by clicking this button!:
(The above notebooks run in Julia 0.7
. I updated the MyBinder tool to add
support for 0.7
and for specifying any julia version in this PR!: