Hi! I’m Nathan Daly, a software engineer at RelationalAI, and sometimes an actor, living in Providence, RI. I worked at Google for 3 years, mostly on the google.com search engine. After that, I co-founded a startup that provides recruiting and training for solar panel installers. And now I’m working on the future of data-driven computing at RelationalAI!
A fun fact about me is: I’m terrified about Climate Change. But I’m also inspired by its challenge. I like solving problems, and I want to apply that towards tackling the climate crisis: energy, the grid, transportation, politics—whatever it takes.
JuliaCon 2019: “If Runtime isn’t Funtime: Controlling Compile-time Execution”
Presented some of my work at RelationalAI on moving code from runtime to compile-time in julia. (Youtube, slides).
JuliaCon 2018: “Building Julia Apps and So Can You!: Compiling and distributing desktop applications written in Julia”
Presented my package, ApplicationBuilder.jl. (Youtube, slides)
Bachelor’s Honors Thesis (Dec 2013)
“Dynamically Registering C++ Exception Handlers: Centralized Handling of C++ Exceptions in Application Framework Libraries” (nathdaly-thesis.pdf, University of Michigan Thesis Archive)
Current Interests
Julia lang <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> I’m super excited about the future of the Julia Language! I attended JuliaCon 2017 in Berkeley, and am looking forward to JuliaCon 2018 in London!
It was actually the essay I linked above, worrydream.com/ClimateChange by Bret Victor, that first introduced me to Julia and motivated me to contribute! Since then, I’ve found an incredibly inviting and intelligent community, and an exciting language for numerical computing, machine learning, and more!
Good science and engineering will be critical to our future. Helping to build Julia is a small part of changing science and engineering tools for the better.
Literally this is how I heard about #julialang & why I started contributing! Thanks @worrydream for introducing me to this exciting world! 😄
— Nathan Daly (@nhdaly) September 22, 2017
These days, I’m working on an Application Builder toolchain so you can build, distribute, and sell Apps written entirely in Julia.
Mandarin language (汉语) I’ve been studying Mandarin Chinese since 2011. I would say I’m conversational. Learning any language is a big commitment, but I love the challenge and the chance to learn more about Chinese culture! For other learners out there, I really love the audio lessons on chinesepod.com!
Making Games I’m making games! Check out my games page: nhdalyMadeThis
Some things from a while back...
Random From Distributions I made this small Unity package, which
provides functions for generating random numbers from various statistical
distributions (normal, linear, exponential, etc). I’ve been surprised and
pleased with how much people like it! 😊
Unity Store link: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/15873
Other old stuff! See the portfolio page from my old University of Michigan site:
You can download my resume: here